Enough about me already. I’m super curious about what’s inspiring you. So much that I’ve dedicated a new type of blog post to called "Featuring You" My customers, my fans, my fellow artisans. I’ve always said I enjoy conversations I’ve had with you at shows or workshops. I remember faces and what we spoke about and less, names. I’m trying to get better at that though.
The inaugural "Featuring You" highlights a woman I met in Pasadena last year at the Contemporary Craft Market in early November. Sue B. was a lovely customer who bought a linen kumo
shibori smock.

photo: Sue B with kasuri jacket
Sue adores textiles and we had chatted about a beautiful jacket she had. It was made by a Los Angeles artist from strips of vintage Japanese Kasuri fabric. It’s gorgeous.

Photo: Finished custom shibori jacket for Sue
As well, she brought me her linen Eileen Fisher jacket for a custom shibori dye job. I love doing these projects because it’s right in line with my brand Modern Shibori. Upcycle a linen jacket for a totally new look. Give a well loved piece new life and a story. It becomes a heritage piece that you can pass on. It’s heart warming.

Photo: A sampling of Sue’s collection of indigo jackets and kimonos
Here’s a challenge for you. Do you have a piece in your closet that’s a good candidate for upcycling and customizing? Think of it as a future heritage piece. I’m sure I have something if I reach into the back recesses of my racks.

Photo: Custom linen cocktail napkins
Sue and I are on a little journey together. She was inspired to find more things for us to work on. The next up were 50 linen cocktail napkins for a party. I dyed these little beauties a deep blue, 10 dips of indigo. I think they came out really nice.
This project inspired me to work on some wall hangings soon. It’s circular creative inspiration. We are in a common circle of inspiring each other to create projects that bring beauty in to our worlds. And from this innovation comes more beauty and innovation.
To wrap up, you see why I am deeply grateful to you, my customers, my fans, my supporters. Without you and your stories and inspiration, my micro brand Modern Shibori wouldn’t evolve into what it is and what it will be. I’m so excited for the future with you.
So I challenge you, take a look into your closet and see if there’s a piece back there that you love but could be upcycled with shibori. Find something? Let me know in the comments below.
Hi Susan, I know this message is a very late reply. But in case you come back to read this, yes, if you have a walnut allergy, I wouldn’t recommend getting the walnut smock. I do have smocks close to that color in Cutch which is a tree of the Acacia family.