Student Showcase from May 5th Workshop

Hello there! I'm starting to feature students' work from past workshops. It's a great way for you to see what creations people come up with. On my end, I love to see the pieces in its home or natural environment. Without further ado, here's the first student piece by Evie E.


photo credit: Evie E.

Evie E. came down from Seattle for the workshop and to do a mama’s craft day on Mother’s Day weekend. She worked on this cute curtain that functions as both a room divider and wall hanging for her beach house on the Washington coast.

She wanted to do an ombré effect on the curtain, adding in some round circles made with beads and rubber bands. I helped her figure out where she wanted the blue to start and we rigged up an oxidizing stand with bins so we could preserve the white areas as much as possible. We also wrapped the white areas in a plastic bag secured with twine. It did the trick!

Her curtain came out smashingly beautiful, super beachy. She said it was “exactly what I was hoping for.” Yay!

Photo credit: Anja H.

Anja was from the East Bay so her drive to the class wasn't too bad. She shibori-resisted and dyed several things, one of which was a piece of solid indigo fabric. I had no idea what she was going to do with it. So when I did a call out for student submissions, I was pleasantly surprised! Her bag looks great, super sturdy and I might have to order one!

She wrote the below on her inspiration for this bag.

“This bag is one of many I've been making since last summer after a trip to Japan where I was really inspired by the textiles and decided to start sewing again, something I used to do as a teenager.

My husband does restoration on vintage cars as a hobby, including the interior upholstery, so we have an awesome industrial sewing machine that I have access to -- along with leather scraps from his projects.

Everything just came together and I've been making bags for friends ever since.

I'm really inspired by the many craftspeople in the Bay Area and feel so lucky to have so many resources around to continue to hone my skills and learn new ones.

Hoping to set up an Etsy shop at some point but for now I've been just making bags to order or as gifts.” — Anja H, May 2018

Look for her bags on her instagram account @anja_chiyo. You can DM her to order or inquire.

These two projects are a nice range of the things you can make at a workshop. What could you make by taking a Shibori Workshop? I’d love to hear about your past, present and/or future.

Stay tuned here on the blog to see what else comes out of these workshops this summer season. 

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